75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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MHYC Senior Member's Luncheon


50+ years Members                                                                                                20+ year Members

It was another great day for the Senior’s Lucheon where members who have been with us for more than 20 years get together once again. The club was just buzzing.

This year our guest speaker was Patrick Delaney, the Foxtel Group CEO as well as a Board member at MHYC. He is also not a bad sailor having won a National Adam’s 10 championship in 2016 and the Club Adam’s 20 championship 3 times with his beloved Powderhulk. He currently sails with boat partner Brent Lawson on their Farr40- BLUETACK.

Patrick talked about his involvement in turning around Foxtel and compared it with the recent transformation of our club.

As usual we presented badges to members who had crossed over each of the membership milestones.

Looking forward to an even bigger year next year. I managed to capture a few new members for the organising committee and we are even looking at changing the name of this exclusive group!

Story and Photos by Julie Hodder

Photo: 50 Year Plus members

Mike McEvoy, Gary Gietz, Frank Banks, Michael Green, Glen Attersall, Paul Wotherspoon, Richard Hurley, Keith Le Compte (50 years this year), John Needham, Peter Sorensen and Lloyd Bennett.  




                                                                            The Last Members