75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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ORC Information Session on October 20

Chris Zonca, Australian Sailing Ratings Manager, will provide a online presentation about ORC and ORC Club to MHYC keelboat owners on Wednesday 20 October at 6pm.

In Australia, ORC certificates are issued with either 'International (ORCi)' measurements taken by an official measurer or 'self-declared (ORCc)' measurements, the latter being labelled as a 'Club Certificate'. Racing with a self-declared Club Certificate is relatively inexpensive and a simple option to begin racing under a ratings format.

An ORC rating can help a boat and its crew understand the potential of a boat's performance, including providing information on target speeds across a range of wind speeds and angles, as well as providing an excellent platform for racing a variety of designs together fairly.  From 2021, a boat can now be issued an ORC Certificate in three different configurations - with spinnaker, non-spinnaker and two-handed.

For the 2021-2022 sailing season, MHYC has introduced an ORC Club pointscore for the Saturday divisional racing (Inshore Series & Ocean Series) in addition to the existing IRC and PHS handicap categories.

All are invited to join the videoconference find out more about ORC ratings and have your questions answered.

To join the Zoom Videoconference on Wednesday 20 October at 6pm - CLICK HERE