75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
Donate here to help upgrade the clubhouse & facilities

Changes to Racing Schedule and Safety Audit Validity

Two Notices to MHYC Competitors have been posted to advise the suspension of racing and the extension of keelboat safety audit validity.

Keelboat and Centreboard racing at MHYC is suspended until at least Friday 9 July 2021 due to the updated NSW Government Public Health Orders which apply from June 26th.

The following races are abandoned or postponed:

  • Pacific Rigging Wednesday Non-Spinnaker Series 4 Races 4 & 5 on June 30th & July 7th (abandoned).
  • Winter Pursuit Series Race 3 on July 3rd (abandoned).
  • Centreboard Winter Series Races on July 4th (postponed).

To view the Notice to Competitors - click here

Current safety audits expire on the 30th June 2021, but due the current and changing COVID-19 restrictions, MHYC will recognise 2020-2021 audits for Categories 4-7 until 31st August 2021.  Yachts must maintain compliance with the Australian Sailing Special Regulations. 

To view the Notice to Competitors - click here

Important Reminder - All persons attending at MHYC at any time must sign-in using the QR code.