75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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Outlaw leads Farr 40 NSW Championships

While there was no club racing scheduled today, MHYC is hosting the Farr 40 NSW Championships this weekend and a number of members were competing in the CYCA Short Ocean Pointscore.

After some light morning rain, the day remained overcast with a light north-easterly establishing itself soon after 11am.  The Farr 40 fleet were held ashore by Race Officer Phil Yeomans until the breeze improved and were then able to complete three races on the Manly Circle.  The wind fluctuated between 5 to 10 knots during the afternoon, swinging from north to north-east and back again and the sea state remained moderate. 

The light and variable conditions made for some mixed results, but at the end of the day Rob Davis and Andy Baker’s Nutcracker from CYCA sits on top of the leaderboard, one point ahead of Tom Quick and Outlaw (CYCA) and with Joe de Kock’s Good Form (NCYC) in third.  The MHYC Race Management Team are planning to run four races tomorrow to wrap up the Championships.

To view the results - click here

Photos by Marg Fraser-Martin