75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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Lazy Dog claims the win for MC38 Act 1


Three races in a light to moderate south easterly concluded the MC38 Class Act 1 at Middle Harbour Yacht Club today.

While the sunshine was welcome after yesterday, the breeze varied in direction and pressure to provide a challenge for competitors.

Race 5, the first of the day, saw a clean start and Lazy Dog (Quentin Stewart) stretching their lead as the race progressed. 

Race 6 was a different matter, with Lazy Dog and Dark Star (John Bacon) over at the start and Lightspeed (Steve Barlow) ensnared with the start pin.  After several unplanned manoeuvres and penalty turns to start the race and a course change for the fleet on lap two, it was Chris Wray and the team on Easy Tiger who presented first to the finish line ahead of Swish (Stephen Proud) and Ginger (Lesley Green).  Lazy Dog’s 6th placing was the only blemish on their perfect record for the weekend.

An extra leg to an upwind finish for the final race rounded out the weekend.  Lazy Dog was first ahead of Ginger and Infotrack (Indy Beck).

With Quentin Stewart on the helm this weekend while co-owner Shaun Lane was away, Lazy Dog finished on top of the results table in the seven race Act 1 with a margin of seven points from Ginger and Marcus Blackmore’s Hooligan another five points back.

The next MC38 Regatta is the Australian Championships on March 19-21, again hosted by MHYC.

To view the MC38 Act 1 Results - click here

Many thanks to all the MHYC volunteers for race management and to photographer Marg Fraser-Martin who was on the water rain and shine.

Day Two (Action Photos by Marg Fraser-Martin)

Day One (Action Photos by Marg Fraser-Martin)