75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
Donate here to help upgrade the clubhouse & facilities

Some great racing lights up a grey day

While it was something of a grey (and sometimes damp) but mild Sydney day, a moderate to fresh nor' nor' easterly and a variety of competitive events made for some great yacht racing today.

MHYC is hosting the MC38 Class Act 1 of their 2021 season this weekend and kicked off with four races on The Sound.  Quentin Stewart and the experienced team on Lazy Dog, last year's National champions and series winners, were fast in race one and just seemed to get faster, taking a clear win in every race.  Lindsay Green and Ginger were the next best performed boat, with Marcus Blackmore and Hooligan third after today's races.  Three more races will complete the Act tomorrow.

The MHYC Inshore PHS Series continued today with a course set between Manly Point and Chowder Bay.  Rumba (Carr / Cook / Burke) were the Division 2 winners from Galan (Mike Gallagher) and Wailea (Neil Padden).  Marc Tromp's Waterborne Again claimed the Division 3 win ahead of Dania (Peter Charteris) and Plan B (Brett & Ken Churcher).  Chris Lee at the helm of Ace was the best of the J/24 One Designs.

A number of the MHYC boats went offshore rather than inshore today to contest the CYCA Short Ocean Pointscore Series, also conducted by the MHYC Race Team this afternoon.  In Division 1 IRC, Toy Box 2 (Ian Box) was 1st, Khaleesi (Rob Aldis) 2nd and Samarkand (Walter Carpenter) 3rd.  In Division 2 IRC, the sole MHYC boat Stormaway (Jack Stening & Colin Gunn) took the win.  A dominant show by MHYC crews.

Congratulations to all the club boats who competed today.

To view the MC38 Act 1 Results - click here

To view the Inshore PHS and One Design results - click here

To view the CYCA Short Ocean Pointscore results - click here

Marg Fraser-Martin was back on the water today and captured some great photos under difficult conditions..........

MC38 Act 1 Day 1

MHYC Inshore Series