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Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024 apply from January 1

The 2021-2024 version of the Racing Rules of Sailing will apply from January 1, 2021


Competitors should be aware of a few of the important changes:

Start & Finish Definitions have been amended...

The difference is that previously when any part of a spinnaker or bowsprit or even a crew member hiking out crossed the start or finish line, they started or finished.  Now it is only when a part of the hull crosses.

Sailing the Course Definition has been updated...

A boat sails the course provided that a string representing her track from the time she begins to approach the starting line from its prestart side to start until she finishes, when drawn taut,
(a) passes each mark of the course for the race on the required side and in the correct order,
(b) touches each mark designated in the sailing instructions to be a rounding mark, and
(c) passes between the marks of a gate from the direction of the course from  the previous mark.

Race Signals have been amended...

Code Flag V has been added - Monitor communication channel for safety instructions.  Rule 37 has been added - When the race committee displays flag V with one sound, all boats and official and support vessels shall, if possible, monitor the race committee communication channel for search and rescue instructions.

Rule 40 Personal Flotation Devices and Y Flag has been updated for clarification.

Rule 43 Exoneration has been updated.

Appendix G has been updated to increase the visbility of Sail Numbers...

G1.2 Specifications
(a) National letters and sail numbers shall be:
(1) in capital letters and Arabic numerals,
(2) of the same colour,
(3) of a contrasting colour to the body of the sail, and
(4) of a sans-serif typeface.
In addition, the letters and numbers identifying the boat shall be clearly legible when the sail is set.


There are a number of other important amendments along with a large number of "tidy ups" in this edition of the RRS.  

Competitors are advised to download and review the 2021-2024 Study Version of the Racing Rules of Sailing - click here

World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing Index - click here

Australian Sailing Blue Book 2021-2024 - click here