75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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Sunday Optimist Racing

Last Sunday was warm and overcast with a moderate north easterly, providing excellent conditions in Balmoral for three more races on the MHYC Centreboard Club Championship.  While the 29er fleet were competing in the NSW Championships at Lake Macquarie, thirteen Optimists were racing at home.

Division 3 race wins went to Sara Bruce, Miles Greenwood & Will Wilkinson and Miles is now leading the Series Pointscore.  Will Rogers posted two race wins in Green Fleet.

Many thanks to all the parent volunteers who assisted with race management and safety.

The Centreboard Club Championship resumes on 28 February after the holiday and regatta season.

To view the latest Centreboard Results – click here