75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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Inshore Sprints and Daydream Shield on Saturday

The Sydney Amateur Sailing Club Cruiser-Racers joined MHYC’s Inshore fleet on Saturday to contest the Daydream Shield Interclub Trophy over two sprint races.  Crews were met with fresh to strong breezes across The Sound and a lively seaway to make conditions challenging for all.

Brent Lawson and Patrick Delaney’s BlueTack had Division 1 to themselves on Saturday while a group of MHYC boats race in the Bird Island Race offshore. Mike Gallagher’s Galan took the Division 2 win in both races.  Innamincka (John Crawford) and Dania (Peter Charteris) shared the Division 3 honours.  Innamincka took out the J/24 One Design prize for both races.  In the Adams 10s, Mitch Miller and the crew of Rock Solid had a perfect day out claiming the One Design and PHS wins in each race.

To view the Divisional Results – click here

To view the Adams 10 Results – click here

In the Daydream Shield, MHYC claimed a narrow win in the Division 2 pointscore.  Unfortunately SASC were unable to get the two boats necessary to contest Division 3, so MHYC won the combined series by 16 points.

To view the Daydream Shield Series Scores – click here

Saturday was also the first day that the club was able to try out the newly arrived Arvor 28 (to be named the Jack Stening) in its course boat role.  The boat performed well in the boisterous seaway and provided a safe (and comparitively dry) platform for our race management volunteers.  Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to the fundraising drive.  There is still some work to be done to repaint and fit out the boat, so further donations would be appreciated.

Marg Fraser-Martin was on the water for Saturday's racing.......