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MHYC sailors perform well at the ACT Optimist Championships

MHYC sailors in Canberra for the ACT Championships

Will Wilkinson reports on the ACT Optimist Championships held at Canberra Yacht Club on 24 & 25 October…..

Many sailors travelled from NSW for the two-day regatta, with Middle Harbour Yacht Club represented in the Open Division by Ben Crafoord, Heidi Bates and myself with Meg Bates and Ella Sangster in the Intermediate Division.  It was a tough two days of racing. 

On day one we sailed 3 races, and overall, we experienced some nice breeze and big wind shifts, making for tricky but fun conditions. During our last race it completely glassed out and because of this, the race took 56 minutes to complete with a lot of sailors timing out. Although I didn't sail as well as I'd hoped, it was an enjoyable day. 

On day two it was a chilly 9 degrees with a gusty south easterly! Going into the racing I was sitting 8th on the point score. During our 4 races we experienced big wind shifts on the water, and some big holes in the breeze.  I was able to pick the wind shifts better and made some good gains on my score card.  Across the two days there was strong competition, with Ben Crafoord, Isaac Freeman (WSC) and myself each winning two races.  Miles Greenwood (GSC) also took a win.  I placed 3rd overall, finishing behind Isaac Freeman (1st) and Jacob Marks (2nd), who sailed consistently in the regatta.  Ben Crafoord finished 4th.

It was the first State Optimist Championship in 2020 and it felt great to be back racing with friends. Congratulation to all the sailors who competed in the regatta.

Thank you to Jeremey Atkinson, President, NSW International Optimist Dinghy Association for organising the regatta, along with the Canberra Yacht club.   My thanks also to Brewer Racing, Rob and Tom Brewer for their great coaching.

Results – click here

Will Wilkinson (Rocky)