75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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The sun shines for the Harbour Trek

A magnificent sunny spring day for the Harbour Trek feature event today with a solid fleet of twenty eight boats heading off down the harbour. With a very light breeze leading up to the start time the race committee went with a short course 3.

The leading boats had a very slow start but as the wind picked up above forecast the fleet made short work of the course.

In Division 1 Peter Sorenson got the gun on Advanced Philosophy followed by Kukukerchu (David Ross) in second and Bluetack (Patrick Delany) in third place. Well done to Rob Aldis and Peter Winter on Kayimai for their 7th place two handed.

In Division 2, two handed racers Evan Hodge and Kelly Nunn-Clarke got the got on Sanctum followed by Farr N Away (Chris Lee) in 2nd place and Galan (Mike Gallagher) in 3rd.

For full results click here

Thanks again to Marg Fraser-Martin for her awesome photos.....