75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
Donate here to help upgrade the clubhouse & facilities

COVID-19 Update

We would like to extend our appreciation to members and staff for the co-operation, support and understanding you are showing during the situation that we find ourselves in with COVID-19.

As previously advised the Club is closed, including the Sandbar Cafe and Harborview Bar & Bistro, until the government advises otherwise. Currently the MHYC marina is and will remain open.

Current staff movements at the Club as in place 25th March 2020, subject to change:

  •         The Marina is open and the Club will ensure it is fully staffed for our members.
  •         The Accounts department will be attending the club with reduced hours Monday to Friday.
  •         The Sailing department will be at the club on Tuesday and Friday, they will also be working from home and regularly checking emails.
  •         Reception hours will be reduced at the Club and kept to a minimum.
  •         The Junior Sailing department will be alternating days at the club and working from home, they will regularly check emails.

Please be advised our plan is to ensure that once restrictions are lifted the Club can quickly be back in service to our members and guests.
We wish you and your families continued good health in these challenging times.

MHYC Management