75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
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      This event in the first week of November is open to all international sailors. Very professionally run, it is an Asian version of HIRW, and has been attended by many famous ...
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The 2023-2024 Sydney Harbour Combined Clubs Series attracted 59 boats for the seven races and MHYC boats dominant performances were rewarded at the prizegiving hosted by Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron ...
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Hello MHYC members.  We are on a recruitment drive for more volunteers.   Who are we?   Sailability Middle Harbour (SMH) is one of the 25 NSW programs of Sailability NSW. As ...
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The Pacific Rigging Wednesday Non-Spinnaker Series 3 Finale was sailed on a mild sunny day that became even nicer with the arrival of a moderate northerly whichenabled the fleet to enjoy a very ...
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A Keelboat Sailing Forum was held at MHYC on Wednesday 22 May to outline the proposed 2024-2025 Sailing Program, seek feedback from members and discuss any topics of interest.  Vice ...
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  It's time to gather the crew and celebrate the conclusion of the Combined Clubs Inshore series with a presentation of prizes and an informal dinner at the Squadron. MHYC boats put in ...
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There is a limited opportunity to advertise your product or service in Middle Harbour Yacht Club’s Sailing Handbook which is published in August each year. The Handbook is distributed free ...
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It was a wonderful night for the MHYC Keelboat Prizegiving on May 4. Congratulations to all the trophy recipients and especially to those who received the Special Awards: RB Cooper Perpetual ...
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