75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
Donate here to help upgrade the clubhouse & facilities

Sprints in the Winter Sunshine

After a very gloomy couple of weeks, the sun was shining and a moderate south westerly made for some very enjoyable sailing on Saturday.  Races 5 and 6 of the Winter Sprint Series were sailed from Spring Cove toward Middle Head.

Tracy Richardson and the crew of Artemis were fast out of the blocks, winning the first race from Stormaway (Jack Stening & Colin Gunn) and Dania (Peter Charteris).  With Artemis retiring from the second race with a broken backstay, another Adams 10 rose to the challenge.  Brian Lees’ Contentious took the win – again from Stormaway and Dania.  Many thanks to RO Toby Gursanscky and the Race Management Team for some great racing.

Next Saturday, July 16, is the Christmas in July Feature Race.  Let the Sailing Office know if you are sailing (spinnaker or non-spinnaker) and dig out your Santa Hat and Christmas Costume.

For the Winter Sprints Results - click here

Read more: Sprints in the Winter Sunshine

Marina News - Storms and Mooring Lines

After a big 3 days of an East Coast low, the 3rd in as many months, the issue of mooring lines on vessels in the marina is of paramount importance to all members using the marina.

The East Coast Low earlier this week created extreme conditions on the marina. Extra mooring lines were urgently needed on several boats and quite a few lines broke and were replaced. During my forced absence, I would personally like to say a huge thank you to Staff and member volunteers who kept boats safe on the marina during the storm. David Fairclough, Steve and Nick Thorowgood, Mitch White and the OSM Team, Gus and George from Pacific Rigging and the many club members that assisted, Jack Stening, Jeremy Clarke, and Bryan Moore to name a few. Your efforts, and all others involved in keeping everything in order is much appreciated.

During the storm it became obvious that some boats do not have effective spring lines for extreme weather. There were incidences where mooring lines are UV damaged or of a substandard material or fibre and need to be replaced.  Spring lines need to be as long as possible and have a certain amount of give in them to allow the boats to move without snatching, dock cleats can be adjusted to accommodate if needed and all owners or persons responsible should ensure that adequate lines and positioning of such lines is correct.

In normal sailing conditions most mooring lines are adequate, however in a storm all mooring lines need to be in the right place and strong for 3 main reasons: 

  • the protection of your boat
  • the protection of boats around you
  • Most Importantly - The safety of Club Staff and Volunteers who may need to provide additional lines to secure your boat in a storm. 

This should not be under-estimated; it can be life threatening. We often work at night in these conditions ensuring the safety of vessels and the marina.

The marina is a very intimidating place to be given how much it is affected by swells and wind waves in the conditions we experience in these lows. Trying to replace lines in such conditions is almost impossible. It is with this in mind that we always try and alert berth holders when we have bad weather approaching. This is primarily to inform you that you need to be sure your vessel is safe. If you are unable to get to the vessel, please contact us and we will assist in any way we can. It’s much easier to remove a cover or put on extra lines before a storm arrives than trying to wrestle with one or the other in 45 knots.

Over the coming weeks myself and team will be conducting a check on all boats mooring lines and a request will be issued to owners where it is considered their lines need to be replaced or improved.

Owners may choose to employ the services of a rigger or purchase lines commercially. I am happy to discuss any requirements you feel necessary if you have any uncertainty about what your vessel may require.

Safely Yours

Andrew Forbes Marina Manager

Read more: Marina News - Storms and Mooring Lines

Welcome to Winter Feature Event



It was a glorious sunny day for the start of the Welcome to Winter Feature Event today, in a light westerly breeze. A small fleet headed out on Course one for a downwide start with Contentious getting the gold star for the best kite hoist for the handfull of spectators watching onshore at Clontarf Beach.In Division 1 Jack Stening was first across the line on  Stormaway followed by Georgia Express (Andy Forbes) in second and Tempo (Michael Smith) in third place.In Division 2 Brian Lees got the gun on Contentious followed by Innaminka who took this opportunity to share around the helm with all the crew!. 

For full results click here    


Read more: Welcome to Winter Feature Event

Combined Clubs Prizegiving

The prizegiving for the 2021-2022 Sydney Harbour Combined Clubs Summer Series was held at Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron last night.  Congratulations to the MHYC boats on the winners podium:

  • Advanced Philosophy (Peter Sorenson) – Division 1 IRC 2nd
  • Innamincka (John Crawford) – Division 3 ORC 1st
  • No Friends (Geoff Charters) – Division 2 PHS 3rd
  • Rumba (Rob Carr) – Division 2 PHS 1st, IRC 3rd
  • Wailea (Neil Padden) – Division 2 ORC 2nd, IRC 2nd

To view the series results – click here


Read more: Combined Clubs Prizegiving

MHYC Annual Presentation Night


The MHYC Annual Presentation Night was held on Saturday the 14th May for the 2021-2022 season. Skippers and crew got together for a night of celebration in the Harbourview Room overlooking the Marina on a star lit night.

Trophies were awarded and achievements recognised across the Offshore and Inshore Divisions, Cruising and Twilights Series including Women's Helm.  The hard work of volunteers, committee members and staff was recognised along with the wonderful support of the club's sponsors. 

A number of special awards were announced, including Crew Member of the Year awarded to Matthew Miles, a regular sailor on Innamincka, Waterborne Again and Kaotic and the MHYC Flag Officers Participants Award for the MHYC Yacht having participated in the greatest number of MHYC Events in the Winter and Summer Seasons going to Neil Padden on Wailea for the second year in a row.

The R.B. Cooper Perpetual Award for Voluntary Service is presented to a Club Member whose outstanding voluntary service is deemed to have contributed most to the affairs and wellbeing of MHYC in a membership year was a very popular winner this year being presented to Marg Fraser-Martin by MHYC Chairman Special Events Ian Box. Marg's images capturing the club’s broad range of on-water activities rolled across the screen during the evening and have populated our Facebook posts, website and publications across the year.

The Norman G. Booth Trophy (nominated for consistent racing with the MHYC and with emphasis on enthusiasm, improvement, sportsmanship and Clubmanship throughout the season) is to be awarded at a later date.

The very special Tig Thomas Memorial Trophy to recognize MHYC members who have competed in interclub events

and major championships was this year awarded to youth sailor Will Wilkinson for his many achievements racing the Optimist.

Also this year we crowned the inaugral 'Jule's Trophy' for MHYC Yachtswoman of the Year trophy to Tracy Richardson.

For a full list of Perpetual Tropy Winners click here

Congratulations to all of our winners!





Read more: MHYC Annual Presentation Night

Hooligan, Swish and Infotrack podium in Pittwater Act 4

The 2021 MC38 season champion and home club team has taken their first scalp for 2022 on Pittwater by four points.

Marcus Blackmore’s Hooligan, sailing for the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, led the nine-boat fleet on day one and consolidated on day two, beating Steve Proud’s Swish and the Indy Beck skippered InfoTrack on overall points. 

The racing was awesome; the level is as high as it’s ever been,” said Hooligan’s tactician Ben Lamb.

Five different winners from seven races and the victor of last month’s Act 3 placing seventh overall shows how quickly results can flip in this class.

Act 4 Full results

Sunday recap thanks to Tilly McKnight Media

On their success Lamb added: “We’ve been sailing as a team for a long time on various boats and it feels like we are a real unit. Marcus did an excellent job driving and leading us this weekend – it’s a pleasure to be on board.”

Saturday’s gusty 15-23 knot winter sou’westers marked Ian Box’s helming debut in the tightknit one design class. Thor’s owner Matt Hanning had work commitments so Box, owner of the Middle Harbour-based XP44 Toy Box 2, stepped in.

“It’s a fun boat to sail - very physical. You need the right team,” Box said. “Yesterday we had plenty on while today was a whole lot easier – and I liked the nice flat water of Pittwater,” added the yachtsman who is more familiar with the swell and chop of Sydney Harbour.

Two MC38s fell foul on Saturday including Thor, a race three withdrawal after their mast was over-jacked.

Shaun Lane and Quentin Stewart’s Lazy Dog retired from race two after losing their hydraulic mast jack, which also sprayed oil around the boat. “We had to bail out of that race and set up a jury rig, then we couldn’t get full tension in the rig so we just hung in there for the rest of the day,” Lane said. “It was fixed overnight and we picked up boat of the day on Sunday. We worked hard for that result – it wasn’t a gift. The fleet is so compressed.”

Proud’s second-placed Swish team, with Billy Sykes calling tactics, is the benchmark for upwind speed according to Lamb. “Swish is sailing really fast and their set-up and upwind boat speed is impressive. Our next goal is to match them upwind.” 

Sunday’s cool 6-10 knot southerlies changed the pace for the strong fleet but not the never-ending fight for placings. An incident at the top gate in the final race saw Ginger’s bow sprit end up in Rapid Pay’s cockpit, the two boats tangled briefly until crews separated them. Ginger was fouled by umpire Tom Spithill.

Middle Harbour Yacht Club will host Act 5 of the MC38 season July 23-24 on Sydney Harbour before some of the fleet are trucked to the Whitsundays for Hamilton Island Race Week, August 20-27.

The class’s championship series will then resume from Middle Harbour Yacht Club the weekend of September 17-18.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MC38Class
Insta: @mc38aus
Website: https://mc38racing.com/

Lisa Ratcliff - Australian MC38 Association media

Photos by Tilly McKnight Media...

Thor skippered by Ian Box 4th overall credit Tilly McKnight Hooligan   InfoTrack credit Tilly McKnight Compressed MC38 fleet credit Tilly McKnight Act 4 start   Swish credit Tilly McKnight Act 4 overall winner Hooligan credit Tilly McKnight
Act 4 moody Pittwater credit Tilly McKnight        

Read more: Hooligan, Swish and Infotrack podium in Pittwater Act 4

Ginger wins MC38 Act 3

Leslie Green’s Ginger has won the MC38 Act 3 at Middle Harbour Yacht Club this weekend. 

After a delayed start waiting for the breeze to fill in on Saturday, four good windward-leeward races were completed in a freshening north-easterly on The Sound. Ginger took two wins and two second placings to build a clear lead after the first day.  Lazy Dog (Shaun Lane & Quentin Stewart) and Infotrack (Indy Beck) finished day one on equal points but a win for Lazy Dog in Race 2 broke the tie in their favour.

On Sunday, the sun struggled to burn off the overcast skies and a faltering breeze changed from west to north and never stabilised.  Race Officer Steve Tucker and the MHYC Race Management Team had two attempts at setting courses, but the decision to abandon racing was made in the early afternoon.

To view the results – click here

Many thanks to Marg Fraser-Martin for the photos…….

Read more: Ginger wins MC38 Act 3

MHYC 2022 Winter Education Program

The quieter, cooler months is a great time to refresh your knowledge and skills in preparation for the coming summer season.  MHYC has scheduled a series of evening presentations, along with some daytime practical sessions, designed to inform and educate keelboat owners and crews as well as our race management officials and volunteers.

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know if you would like to attend any of the sessions below…..

Keelboat Sailing Information Program




Wed 15 June


ORC Club Handicapping – Chris Zonca

Sat 25 June


Free Get Checked Day

Wed 29 June


Keelboat Safety Forum – Phil Darling

Sun 10 July


MOB Training – Phil Darling

Wed 13 July


Navigation – Julie Hodder (NOTE NEW TIME)

Wed 20 July 


Racing Rules Refresher – Damien Boldyrew

Wed 3 August


Flags & Signals – David Staley

Sun 21 August


Free Get Checked Day


Race Officials & Volunteers Education Program




Sat 18 June


Mark Laying & Retrieval Practical

Wed 20 July 


Development Workshop for existing Club Judges

Wed 3 August


Flags & Signals (Part 1 of the Club Race Officer Course)

Wed 10 August


Race Management (Part 2 of the Club Race Officer Course)

Thu 18 August


Season 2022-2023 Race Management Briefing


To register for the Club Race Officer Course on August 3 & 10 - click here

There are a variety of accredited courses delivered by Australian Sailing and other providers for Race Officials & Volunteers.  These include Protest Committee Member, Regional Judge, Umpire, State or National Race Officer, Official Class Measurer, Radio Operator, Powerboat Handling and First Aid etc.  If you would like more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read more: MHYC 2022 Winter Education Program

Farr 40’s Back in Force for 25th Year Anniversary Regatta

Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron really turned on the charm as host of the Farr 40, 25th Year Anniversary Regatta!

For Saturday’s race, Principal Race Officer Rob Ridley set off the eight-boat fleet on a passage race around Sydney Harbour in a pleasant 8 – 12 knot westerly breeze and magnificent autumn sunshine. Nutcracker and Exile both got away to good starts and were neck and neck at the first turning mark, with the whole fleet just behind and converging fast. A tight reach up the harbour to Cannae Point made for exciting rides, and nearly all boats took an involuntary spill at some point! Positions remained relatively orderly for the trip back down the harbour. However, nothing can ever be taken for granted on Sydney Harbour, and in a race of ‘Snakes & Ladders’, the whole fleet order changed at the Taylors Bay turning mark, courtesy of a massive wind shadow. Forty and Solymar were to emerge as the new race leaders. Conditions changed quickly in the final few miles of the race, and those who reacted with the tidiest boat handling were rewarded.

Everyone enjoyed the race with Nutcracker sailing well to win, and Forty and Solymar holding on to take second and third respectively. Back at the RSYS clubhouse, cold drinks and a BBQ feast awaited the eighty weary and hungry competitors. Event sponsors Oakdene Wines, North Sails Australia, and Foxtel generously provided terrific prizes for the event Raffle winners. It was a wonderful day indeed, with the iconic ‘Squaddie’ at her glorious best!

Day two of the regatta greeted the fleet with light southerly winds, raising doubts as to whether racing could even take place. In some fine Race Management work, three short windward leeward races were in fact completed before the breeze completely dropped out. Exile was boat of the day with two race wins and a 5th. Current National champion Edake also had a good day, posting a 2nd, 3rd, 4th. However, it was consistency across both days of the regatta which was to produce the overall placegetters.

After a break from the class, it was terrific to see Sam Hill and Mick O’Brien back to take 3rd place overall in Forty. Also back for the event, was class stalwart and past World Champion Guido Belgiorno-Nettis, who showed all those years of practice haven’t gone astray – Exile placed 2nd overall. But it was the most practiced and consistent team of late who were to take the overall regatta win aboard Nutcracker, guided masterfully around the course by tactician Grant Simmer.

As a newcomer to competitive yacht racing, Peta Davis remarked: “It was an absolute thrill for me as a guest and sponsor to experience racing on the Saturday and meet some sailing icons. Sailing on Sydney harbour was phenomenal and Oakdene Wines look forward to being a part of your next event”. Regatta sponsor, Mark Bradford, of North Sails Australia had this to say of the weekend: “It was great to be a part of this event, North Sails and the Farr 40 class have a long and successful relationship. This was a great weekend for trading old war stories... It was also great to check back in with a boat and a Class that has given us some of the best racing of our careers"

Final words to Nutcracker skipper, Rob Davis: “What a weekend, we could not have hoped for a better location and conditions. The class looks to have emerged from the pandemic in good shape and a resurgence in fleet numbers. It’s good to see the class executive has recognised the changing times though, putting in place some new and different event formats. With more initiatives in the pipework’s for next season, the fleet should continue to enjoy a bright future”.

The Farr 40 Class wish to extend their thanks and gratitude to RSYS for providing an outstanding weekend of sailing and socialising.

Results - click here

Photos courtesy Marg's Yacht Photos 

Solymar S1 Forty   Blue Cross Excile Saturday Blue Eye
Cannae Turning Saturday        

Read more: Farr 40’s Back in Force for 25th Year Anniversary Regatta

Winter Pursuit Race 2




Eight yachts competed in todays Winter Pursuit Race. It was a clear day with a tricky westerly breeze, with some spinnakers used successfully and some not at the start.   

Bob Cox came in first place on Nine Dragons, and an extremely close finish for the next three yachts, one second apart finishing in a tricky light breeze at the club house. Second place Wailea (Neil Padden), third place Stormaway (Jack Stening and Colin Gunn), followed by Dania (Peter Charteris) also just one second away.

For Full Results click here



Read more: Winter Pursuit Race 2

Exciting Racing for the MHYC Women's Keelboat Regatta


The MHYC Women’s Keelboat Regatta kicked off on Saturday with boats completing all three races. The AP went up just before the 11am start with the MHYC Race Management Team waiting for the shifting breeze to settle to a moderate nor westerly breeze. Two windward leeward races when then completed shortly after 1pm enabling a short break before the start of the passage race.Tension was high with a number of boats breaking the start in Division 1 before the fleet settled to some good competitive racing with seconds settling the series score between the three J24’s.


Race 1 winners were Georgia Express (Katie O’mara) Overall And All Female Division 1 and Innamincka ( Shelley Montague) Overall, Female Helm and One Design One Design in Division 2.

In Race 2  it was Khaleesi ( Co-Skippered by Liz Charles and Skye Paton) in first place for the Overall and Female Helm in Division 1 and Artemis (Tracy Richardson) Overall and All Female Division 1 with Kaotic ( Catherine Thornton-Rofe)first place in One Design.

In Race 3 for the passage, Rachel Beck came in 1st place on Law Connect in Division 1 Overall and All Female and Okavango Delta (Lyn Humphreys) got first place in Division 2 Overall , Female Helm and One Design.

Series results were…

All Female Crew Division 1

1st Law Connect Rachel Beck MHYC

All Female Crew Division 2

1st Artemis Tracy Richardson MHYC

Female Helm Division 1

1st Georgia Express Katie O’Mara MHYC

2nd Khaleesi Liz Charles and Skye Paton MHYC

3rd Corum Kate Rowe MYC

Female Helm Division 2

1st Okavango Delta Rhoslyn Humphreys

2nd Kaotic Catherine Rofe MHYC/MYC

3rd Innamincka Shelley Montague MHYC

J24 One Design

1st Okavango Delta Rhoslyn Humphreys MYC

2nd Kaotic Catherine Thornton-Rofe MHYC/MYC

3rd Innamincka Shelley Montague MHYC

MHYC Women’s Regatta Overall Division 1

1st 1st Law Connect  Rachel Beck MHYC

2nd Khaleesi Liz Charles and Skye Paton MHYC

3rd 1st Georgia Express Katie O’Mara MHYC

MHYC Women’s Regatta Overall Division 2

1st Okavango Delta Rhoslyn Humphreys MYC

2nd Kaotic Catherine Thornton-Rofe MHYC/MYC

3rd Innamincka Shelley Montague MHYC

For full results click here

A big thanks you to Marg Fraser-Martin for the amazing photos!

Read more: Exciting Racing for the MHYC Women's Keelboat Regatta