75 Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2088
T: (02) 9969 1244 | E: info@mhyc.com.au
Donate here to help upgrade the clubhouse & facilities

Dinghy Storage Update

In order to help boost dinghy sailing activity at MHYC, hard stand and rack storage arrangements have recently been reviewed. 

A new license agreement has been developed and the storage rates updated.  Preferred storage locations will be allocated in favour of those boats which are most active.

All boats which have not lodged an application and arranged payment will need to be removed by the end of June. 

To download the 2017-2018 storage application form - click here

For additional information about dinghy storage, contact the Sailing Office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read more: Dinghy Storage Update

Get Checked before the Season Starts

The 2017-2018 Sailing Season is approaching fast.

All yachts racing in MHYC events in the coming season are required to have successfully completed a safety audit for the category of races they are entering and the new Australian Sailing Special Regulations have come in to force as of July 1.  

MHYC has a capable team of accredited auditors who have worked hard through our Get Checked weekend in June and are now making themselves available to conduct further audits. Please note that safety audits conducted outside of the Get Checked weekend attract service fees ($50 for Categories 1-2, $30 for Categories 3-4 and $20 for Categories 5-7).

To book an audit for your yacht, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 9969 1244 to advise the boat name, safety category and preferred day and time.



Read more: Get Checked before the Season Starts

29er Winter Sprint Regatta July 2018

2 - 3 July 2018

Notice of Race | MHYC Information | Sailing Instructions | Online Entry | Entries and Results | Lunch Order Form

Middle Harbour Yacht Club and the NSW 9ers Association invites entries in the 29er Sprint Regatta being sailed on the 2nd & 3rd of July 2018.

The regatta will be held at the Middle Harbour Yacht Club (MHYC) which is located at Lower Parriwi Road, The Spit, Mosman NSW 2008.

NSW 9ers facebook - click here

Race Report & Photos Monday 2 July 2018 - click here


29er Sailing at MHYC

Read more: 29er Winter Sprint Regatta July 2018